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"Since the dawn of humanity we have used storytelling to pass on that what we observed, learned and discovered. Starting with carving symbols into rock, and drawing pictographs and petroglyphs, we moved on to verbally telling and singing stories while sitting around the campfire.

Storytelling is the fundament of our evolution, and although the medium has changed to theater, books, photos, movies, games, CDs, etc, storytelling itself is still hugely important.

It still are our bards and storytellers that capture and record our knowledge, insights and wisdom and lead them further to the many generations of our unfathomable future."

Bert Janssen

"Since the dawn of humanity we have used storytelling to pass on that what we observed, learned and discovered. Starting with carving symbols into rock, and drawing pictographs and petroglyphs, we moved on to verbally telling and singing stories while sitting around the campfire.

Storytelling is the fundament of our evolution, and although the medium has changed to theater, books, photos, movies, games, CDs, etc, storytelling itself is still hugely important.

It still are our bards and storytellers that capture and record our knowledge, insights and wisdom and lead them further to the many generations of our unfathomable future."

Bert Janssen

"Since the dawn of humanity we have used storytelling to pass on that what we observed, learned and discovered. We started with carving symbols into rock, and drawing pictographs and petroglyphs.

Bert Janssen
We moved on to telling and singing stories while sitting around the campfire. Storytelling is the fundament of our evolution, and although the medium has changed to theater, books, photos, movies, games, CDs, etc, storytelling itself is still hugely important.
It still are our bards and storytellers that capture and record our knowledge, insights and wisdom and lead them further to the many generations of our unfathomable future."

video series
'the Organizing Principle - There are No Coincidences'

In a Watch-A-Book series I explain my book 'the Organizing Principle' in 22 short videos. Every next episode dives deeper into the rabbit hole of the mysteries hiding in and around our consensual reality. What starts as a seemingly innocent adventure becomes bit by bit a chronicle uncovering an Organizing Principle that uses shapes and geometries in order to communicate and that allows us to ‘talk back’.   The Organizing Principle
You can order ‘the Organizing Principle’, the book on which this series is based, here.
video series
'the Organizing Principle - There are No Coincidences'

In a Watch-A-Book series I explain my book 'the Organizing Principle' in 22 short videos. Every next episode dives deeper into the rabbit hole of the mysteries hiding in and around our consensual reality. What starts as a seemingly innocent adventure becomes bit by bit a chronicle uncovering an Organizing Principle that uses shapes and geometries in order to communicate and that allows us to ‘talk back’.   The Organizing Principle
You can order ‘the Organizing Principle’, the book on which this series is based, here.
video series
'the Organizing Principle - There are No Coincidences'

In a Watch-A-Book series I explain my book 'the Organizing Principle' in 22 short videos. Every next episode dives deeper into the rabbit hole of the mysteries hiding in and around our consensual reality. What starts as a seemingly innocent adventure becomes bit by bit a chronicle uncovering an Organizing Principle that uses shapes and geometries in order to communicate and that allows us to ‘talk back’.

The Organizing Principle
You can order ‘the Organizing Principle’, the book on which this series is based, here.

Articles and publications
Over the years Bert Janssen has written numerous articles that have been published in different magazines. In the coming time we intend to publish these articles also on this site.
Doorway to the Otherworld
Taming Dragons
Silbury Blowhole
"When in 1994 I encounter crop circles for the first time, I am deeply touched by the phenomenon and I subsequently go through the classical stages of awe, analyzing, teaching and inner knowing. Fascinating. While I was transforming through all these phases (awe, analyzing, teaching, inner knowing), the phenomenon did not change at all. It merely mirrored back my state of being. This is reflected in my written, filmed and photographed stories."

Crop Circle Archives
In 1994 Bert Janssen has a ‘mystical’ experience, a life changing event, that made him decide to travel to England to study the crop circle phenomenon that was in those days flourishing in Wiltshire and Hampshire.
In the Archives you can find his early work (1990s) on crop circle geometry and crop circle reconstructions and a selection of his professional crop circle photographs.

Bert Janssen's travels to England also resulted in him making three documentaries on the subject and writing the books Crop Circle Geometry and Reconstructions’ and ‘The Hypnotic Power of Crop Circles’.

Bert still honours the phenomenon that brought him where he is now.
He keeps track of the UK crop circles on his intriguing website CropCirclesandMore.com
Here you also can find his latest Thoughts and Geometrical studies and Observations.
"The moment that I experienced the intriguing intersection and fusing of science and spirituality, formed a turning point. I realized that there is no difference between the crop circles, Gothic Cathedrals and the Great Pyramid. Between the ancient knowledge of the Wisdom Keepers of South America and the new knowledge of quantum physics."

The Stories
The later stories of Bert Janssen reflect this on different levels.
Take for instance the landscape geometry around Avebury, Wiltshire, UK. The connection to the Great Pyramid and the connection to CERN in Geneva. Or the Secret and Sacred Architecture he observed. And what to think of the relationship between Squaring the Circle and the Mayas? Or the very intriguing discoveries he made at Stonehenge and Silbury Hill. Read The last Secret of Stonehenge and read The last Secret of Silbury Hill. And ... the Key of Life.
And his study of the Philosopher’s Stone has led to some intriguing discoveries as did his recent thoughts about Silbury Hill being built over a blowhole.

And then there is of course his mind-provoking thriller Sophia's Egg.
A fascinating, suspenseful, fast paced story based on Gnostic insights,with the question whether or not God does exists as central theme, and what we subsequently can do with the answer.
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